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Thursday, March 01, 2007

Childhood innocence

Earlier today, as I was walking back from breakfast, I passed by two girls, probably about 6 or 7 years of age, chatting in front of a clinic. The following is their dialogue:
Girl 1: Ayah kita garang, tapi mak kita baik.
Girl 2: Mak kita lagi baik.
Girl 1: Kalau kita minta apa-apa dengan mak kita, dia kasi apa yang kita minta.
Girl 2: Ye ke?
Girl 1: Yer laaa... tapi dia kasi sikit saja.
Girl 2: Mak kita kasi semua yang kita minta tau!
I didn't know how the conversation ended because I had passed them by that time. In any case, I managed to smile at their little conversation because it reminded me of the innocence of children.

Now that we're older, I wonder: Where has the innocence gone?

1 comment:

kechi said...

not necessary gone.. but the innocence is still there for us to bring it out again..and sometime we dont realize that we are still a child...