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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Organ donation matters

I will be off to Port Dickson later this afternoon to attend a three-day workshop organised by the National Transplant Resource Centre (NTRC). I was recently appointed as a member of the technical committee to update the National Organ Donation Promotional Kit 2012 by NTRC. This is a huge responsibility for me as well as a national duty in assisting NTRC in their task. May Allah SWT provide us with guidance and ease in tackling this task.

A few months ago, I was part of a team who prepared two booklets and a pamphlet for the Ministry of Health on organ donation. The booklets are Pemindahan Organ dari Perspektif Islam and its English version Organ Transplantation from the Islamic Perspective, while the pamphlet is Soalan-soalan Lazim Mengenai Islam & Pemindahan Organ. It is hoped that these materials will assist NTRC in promoting organ donation in particular among Muslims.

In mid-May, I will be off to Kuching to deliver a talk during the Malaysian Society of Transplantation's Scientific Meeting 2012, again on organ donation. Again the topic is on the FAQs regarding organ donation and Islam.

As I have said many times before, I look at organ donation as a crusade on my part. I will do whatever I can to help in discussing and promoting organ donation.

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