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Thursday, February 08, 2007

Sedated view

Still down with the fever, cold and cough - but by no means am I out.

I just realised that for the past couple of weeks or so, I haven't been following much of the news. Sure, I read the newspapers, both the print and the online versions. Sure, I watch the news on tv whenever I'm at home at that time. But that's just about it. If I read the news, it's more like browsing and glancing, rather than actually reading, thinking and analysing. If I watch the news, it's more like waiting for the advertisements to come in, rather than focusing on what's going on in the world. This explains why my blog entries of late have not touched too much on current issues.

Indifference? Apathy? I don't know.

I feel that I am tired of the "same old, same old" stuff on tv. Watching or reading the news these days feels like following an elaborated Latin American soap opera which is scripted and predictable. For example, on the local front, you could guess what the authorities response would be when faced with criticisms. On the international front meanwhile, you could guess what Dubya would say about Iraq or Iran.

Of course, some would say that we now have the new media. For the uninitiated, this refers to the news carried by bloggers. I must admit I do follow some of these blogs, though not religiously. The difficulty I have with blogs are trying to differentiate between factual postings and emotional postings. Another problem I have with blogs is not the blog postings or the bloggers, but the comments from visitors who can be quite immature, emotional and irrational. But then people would argue, that's what free speech is all about. I would beg to differ a little however. While I am all for freedom of speech, I am also a believer in wisdom of speech. The freedom should be coupled with wisdom so that we would not be immersed in emotions and rhetorics.

Oh, well. Enough ramblings for today. Apologies for the rather different flavour in my musings today. As I am a bit sedated at the moment, I'll blame today's entry on my medication.

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