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Friday, August 14, 2009

Reading Room

Two of the books I edited when I was with IKIM are reviewed in a column called "Reading Room" in The Star. Incidentally, these were the last two books that I edited during my tenure at the institute.

Unfortunately, I could not find any links online for this column. As such, I am reproducing (by retyping) the part which featured the two books.

Compiled by ROUWEN LIM

Food and Technological Progress
Author: Multiple authors; edited by Shaikh Mohd Saifuddeen Shaikh Mohd Salleh, Azrina Sobian
Publisher: MPH Group Publishing
193 pages

We all need to eat to live. Common food-related issues that are raised globally include famine and poverty, nutrition, ethics, and shortages. The subject of food in relation to Islamic beliefs is rarely, if ever, raised in detail. This book delivers an Islamic perspective on the subject of food security; the availability of nutritionally adequate and safe food; and the ability to acquire food in socially acceptable ways. It maintains that it is important to fulfil the criteria of halalan tayyiban (lawful and of good quality).

Genealogy and Preservation of the Progeny
Author: Multiple authors; edited by Shaikh Mohd Saifuddeen Shaikh Mohd Salleh
Publisher: MPH Group Publishing
223 pages

This is a guide to upholding the tenets of Islamic religion against the challenges of the biotechnology age. It kicks off its argument with referencing Islam as a way of life and goes on to explore various dimensions of biotechnology in relation to preservation of the progeny. It is likely the first book to link one of the objectives of Islamic law, maqasid al-shariah (preservation and safeguarding of the progeny), to advancements in biotechnology.

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