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Friday, April 21, 2006

Working blues

Pretty unproductive week this has been - in relative terms. I've been quite lazy and not in the mood to do anything much this week. I suppose working people do go through this kind of working blues from time to time.

I'll be driving up north later and will return on Sunday. I hope the journey will be smooth and the weather will be kind. We've been having quite a downfall almost every afternoon. I hope today will be quite dry, otherwise the driving will be slow.

I'm looking forward to next week. I want to get a lot of things done. I'm even thinking of partaking in IKIM's script-writing competition. Never wrote a script before. I'm even contemplating to update and submit my novel which was completed in 1998. It has been 8 years - better get it published rather than leaving the manuscript to collect dust. Also, I want to publish a few academic books which have been long overdue.

Here's to a productive week ahead...

...I hope.


marisa said...

assalamualaikum...i made a script before based on a short cerpen. :D

Dr. Shaikh Mohd Saifuddeen said...

Thanks for dropping by.