Choosing the right colours can be tricky. What is pleasing to one's eyes may hurt other people's eyes. Or in the case of my blog, the colour I chose before appeared pleasing on my laptop, but when viewed on other people's computer, it appeared too bright.
My sister remarked about the colour before, but I thought it was just a matter of opinion. Then the enigmatic Enigma made the same remarks, followed by Opah De. So when I checked my blog using my sister's computer, then only I realised why everyone is complaining.
And so, I present you with the new background colour for this humble blog. Hopefully, this time around, it is more acceptable and pleasing to everyone's eyes.
[But let me know if it's not].
I saw the sky blue you had on a few minutes ago. That was tough on the eyes. The subdued green is much better.
Salam Kelana,
Bro, ini kaler Pas... hehehe :-)
Thanks Temasik_Temagi. Probably you dropped in when I was trying out the various options for the background.
Salam Jie. Last I checked, Pas didn't own the copyright or the intellectual property for the colour green. Hehehe :-)
Personally, I liked the way your blog looked the first time I visited it. However, I cannot recall exactly what it looked like...
Shane, it was yellow before.
the enigmatic enigma? that a complement or what...hahahaha....
anyway...color or iro in nihongo does not belongs to or specifically inherited legitimately to any political parties. but I wonder zillion times, when I was with a semi-government organisation, they are really really really freak out about color that resembles the theme color of certain political party. color phobic or what? don't we have the courtesy or freedom to choose what we want?
Enigma: Some people do have that fear of being associated to certain people, groups or organisations if they use a certain colour or shape. Remember the hoo-hah about Petronas' logo a few years back? And that's politicians for you. [I am beginning to get allergic to politicians and aspiring politicians, but that's another story].
Salam Kelana,
Re my previous comment, it's a joke only mah. Re enigma's comment, watashiwa oso had similar situation ne, with previous boss. We had to take down the office's Hari Raya deco which the staff had gotong-royong worked on, just because most of the deco was green in colour. Talk about colour phobia!
Salam Jie... I took your comment as a joke. :P
Your previous boss also allergic to green? Looks like these greenophobics need to get help lahhh...
waa...sama ler kita dapat bos (x-boss) yg color phobia. apalah depa ni...ngan color pun nak alergik. mesia ni penuh ngan org alergik ngan benda2 yg tak sepatutnya...haiyoh!
Enigma... you took the words right out of my mouth.
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