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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Let the buzz begin

Once in a while, I would indulge in a certain amount of self-promotion to publicise my work, particularly my novels. So, here goes:

Transgenesis: Bisikan Rimba, my second novel under the pen-name Amir Husaini, is now in bookstores nationwide. My editor, Mat Jan, summed up the story as a sci-fi thriller. I'll let you judge for yourself.

Drop me a line with feedbacks when you're done reading. There have been a couple of feedbacks so far that can be found in the blogosphere. For those who may be interested, a direct feedback can be found here while an indirect one here (via a comment posted by a visitor).

As a side note, I have purposely left a number of plot points opened. Should Transgenesis: Bisikan Rimba do well enough, there will be a sequel next year.

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