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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Piercing pain

It happened once over a year ago, and I blogged about it here. Now, I'm suffering from ulcer at the tip of the tongue again. The tip of the tongue is no place to have an ulcer. The pain is excruciating especially when I eat and talk. Everytime when I open my mouth, the pain increases. The pain is bad enough as it is when the mouth is closed. Perhaps it's a none-too-subtle reminder for me to cut down on my meals as well as talking less.

I wonder how those people with pierced tongue manage the pain? Gahhh!

This condition I am having is called oral ulcer. It has been three days now, and I hope that the condition will improve. The pain has put me off writing somewhat. I had wanted to finish off a story I'm writing last night, but instead I find myself sleeping (to ease the pain).


Anonymous said...

Just spray salt all over the ulcer and it'll heal faster. Short term pain, long term gain. If you thought that the ulcer at the tip of the tounge was bad, think again. I just recovered from an ulcer situated between the right side of my tongue and the wisdom tooth. The ulcer brushed against the wisdom tooth everytime I ate, talked or brushed my teeth. I had to endure this for a week. For some reason, ulcers on the tongue seem to take a little longer to recover. I seem to get a ulcers at the bottom of the tongue at least once a year. I wonder if there's something wrong with the way I eat that gives rise to all these ulcers.

JIE said...

Salam Kelana,

There's a few salves in the market for mouth ulcers, best known is Bonjela. It's soothing and speeds up healing. Try it!

Dr. Shaikh Mohd Saifuddeen said...

Temasik_Temagi: I have tried your suggestion before. It does work albeit briefly in my case. The pain comes back after an hour or so.

Jie: Difficult to find Bonjela in my area these days. I wonder why. Perhaps a lot of people are down with ulcers these days.

Pinky said...

I think it's called a conker sore -my 2 year old son gets it like now and then. Apparently no one knows what causes it and some say that it could be hereditary ( me and husband gets it like 4 times a year) while the Chinese seems to blame every ailment on heatiness and one not drinking enough water. It will go away in 2 weeks.

You can get Bonjela from the Guardian pharmacy. I use it for my son but it doesn't seem to help since he likes to lick it.

Dr. Shaikh Mohd Saifuddeen said...

Pinky.. thanks for the info. The ulcer has receded over the weekend, and it's not as painful as it was.