I had some errands to do around the vicinity of Bangsar yesterday afternoon. So, for the Zuhur prayer, I went to Masjid Abu Bakar As-Siddiq. As usual, I would take off my watch when performing the ablution or wudhu'. My habit would be to put the watch inside the left pocket of my trousers - which is also where I place all my keys and believe it or not, thumbdrives. After finishing with the ablution, I went to the prayer hall to perform the Zuhur prayer.
After that is done, I would usually put on my watch again. When I searched for my watch, I couldn't find it in my pocket. Of course, I didn't actually empty my pocket to search for it. That's why at that point in time I didn't think much about not finding my watch. I thought to myself, perhaps it got tangled with all the stuff in the pocket.
When I finished my errands in Bangsar, I went straight home. When I emptied my pocket, my watch is nowhere to be found. Keys - check. Thumbdrives - check. Watch - not there. I was puzzled. I could have sworn I took off my watch and put it in my pocket. I was quite down to say the least. That watch was special as it was a wedding gift from my seafaring brother.
Nonetheless, I didn't give up. Later that evening, I returned to my office to make sure everything is locked up. And I took that opportunity to check whether I actually left my watch at the office. And no watch to be found. Oh, well. I have more or less resigned to the fact that the watch that my brother gave me is now history.
This morning, as usual, I came to the office. After the usual routine of checking and replying my e-mails, glancing through the things I need to get done today, a few phone calls, and other mundane stuff, I suddenly caught a glimpse of something shiny on my table. Lo and behold, it's the watch that I was looking for all afternoon the day before.
I thought that I had my watch with me when I went to Bangsar. I rarely take off my watch at the office, but did I do that yesterday? And like I said before, I remembered taking off my watch when performing the ablution, but did that not happen? Was I imagining things? Am I becoming forgetful? Why didn't I see the watch when I returned to the office yesterday evening?
Really, there are not that many explanations as to what happened.
One, I took off my watch at the office before leaving for Bangsar. It was there on the table all along, and I probably just missed it when I searched for it yesterday evening. But if this was the case, why is it that I cannot shake the image of myself taking the watch off when performing the ablution? The image is so vivid and very real.
Two, I had my watch on with me all the time. I took it off at the masjid as I thought, but most probably misplaced it. That is why I couldn't find it in my pocket or in my office. But if this was the case, who - or what - put it on my table this morning?
Creepy, isn't it?
For possibility number one to happen, that would mean that I have been forgetful or perhaps imagining things. Maybe I forgot to distinguish between reality and fantasy. Having said that, I am worried that similar incidents like this may repeat itself again.

Perhaps, as a dear friend casually reminded me some time last week, I really should take a break. I have not been on holiday in the real sense of the word in years. Maybe that's all that I need.
But why can't I shake off that theme from The X-Files from my ears?
Salam Kelana,
Was there a ylang-ylang fragrance following u around while u were searching for the watch? :-)
Salam Jie... None that I can recall. :)
orang kata...masjid bangsar tuh banyak jin Islam tinggal. agaknya depa yg p deliver balik jam tuh kat YI kut...walau apa pun penjelasannya...masih ada rezeki sbb jam tuh tak hilang.
ada jin tak yg bleh tolong kembalikan manuskript yg hilang? tolonnn...
Enigma: Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui.
Ada manuskrip hilang ke?
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