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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Job hazard

I would imagine many think that it is impossible to get hurt when one is writing or typing.

Au contraire!

Earlier this morning, around 1 a.m., I somehow managed to sprain my right arm while typing an article for a magazine. What began as a throbbing pain on my shoulder, spreaded to the whole arm.

When I went to sleep around 3 a.m., the pain was still lingering. And when I woke up, the pain has somewhat lessened, but the throbbing on the shoulder remains even as I blog this.

Oh, well. It goes to show that there are hazards to everything that we do.


Xara said...

Perlu berehat tu. Saya pernah juga overworked sampai sakit lutut. Agaknya sebab duduk + tidur lama sangat di kerusi.

Dr. Shaikh Mohd Saifuddeen said...

Saya pun fikir punca kesakitan itu ialah kerana "posture" sewaktu bekerja yang memerlukan banyak duduk dan menghadap komputer.

Izza Hani said...

jangan lupa pula pasal 'kekejangan otak' sewaktu menulis/bekerja...hahaha...mind sprain...ada ke term ni?

Dr. Shaikh Mohd Saifuddeen said...

Mind sprain? Boleh dibuat istilah baharu kalau belum ada.