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Sunday, April 29, 2007

Earth Day

Maybe not many people realise that there are two dates whereby Earth Day is celebrated. The "official" date is 21st March, which is the first day of spring, and this is the date designated by the United Nations. Another date is 22nd April, which has its origins in the eco-activism of the 1960s in the United States. More on the background of these dates from this Wikipedia site. In Malaysia, not many people are aware of any of these dates. For that matter, not many people realise that there is even an Earth Day. This day does not figure prominently in Malaysia, as we have so many special events in the forms of festivities and holidays as it is already.

For me personally, I was first exposed to Earth Day when I was studying in the UK. It was then that I see the need to have a day to drive home the point of preserving and looking after our only home, that is the planet Earth. Environmental conservation is contigent, pertinent and crucial for our future survival.

In light of today's environmental problems we are facing in our country, it is perhaps very timely for us to designate a day to highlight the plight of our planet. To me, rather than focusing so much on entertainment programmes and self-indulgent award ceremonies, the media and corporate sector can play their roles in promoting environmental awareness - at least on Earth Day. However, kudos to Zoo Negara for highlighting the importance of Earth Day.

No doubt, the most important thing is for us as human beings to look after our planet. For Muslims, this is one of the many responsibilities under the task of khalifah or vicegerent of God on this planet. But looking after our planet is not just a task for one day, or just during Earth Day. Instead, it is a daily task.

Unless this is realised, we may have to look for another Earth-like planet to live on, which, coincidentally, scientists claimed may have been found. But we still need to figure out how to get to that distant planet if it is indeed habitable. So, at least for our generation and several generations after, we don't really have a choice, but to look after our planet.

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