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Sunday, April 22, 2007

When old is new again

Apologies for the long pause in blogging. It's not that I have been busy, but rather there's nothing much to blog this past week. In any case, I am back with this new entry.

Notice how fashion is a recurring cycle? Something may be hip and trendy today, and after some time, it becomes outdated and unfashionable. Then suddenly, after people think that the said fashion has been relegated to mere footnotes in history books, it becomes the in-thing again.

Well, today I got myself a much deserved haircut. I usually go for the normal trim, but today, I decided to go back to the past for inspiration, in a manner of speaking. My school buddies would probably remember that I sported very short hair a la army recruits during my school days, so much so I was teased by certain schoolmates. But alas, that was my identity back then.

When I left for the UK, I decided to let my hair down a bit (literally). But not too long though, as I wasn't comfortable with long hair. The longest I went without a haircut was around six months.

After returning to Malaysia, I decided to take the middle path, i.e. not too long and not too short. Long enough to have my hair combed and short enough to look presentable. I noticed that when I kept my hair longer than usual, my friends would wonder whether I was facing some problems. Perhaps with the long hair, I look a bit unkempt.

Anyhow, with the weird weather we're having of late - the extra hot and wet weather - I decided that I should go back to the crew cut look of my school days. Even my usual barber was surprised. He asked me three times to check whether I was absolutely certain with my decision. I had indeed made up my mind. It felt quite good actually having rid the extra luggage on top of my head. I feel - for lack of a better phrase - lightheaded!

When I looked at the mirror, it's like looking back to the past. And today, what was old is new once more.

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