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Friday, April 06, 2007


I was at IKIM this morning for breakfast, and was informed that one of the staff there is a victim of snatch theft. The incident occurred yesterday behind The Mall (near PWTC) after work when she was walking home. She lost important personal documents, ATM cards, a handphone and about RM800 in cash.

Most of us suspect that the thief has been eyeing her for some time. This is because every day she would use the same route to walk home. I suppose this is one lesson for us especially those who walk to and from work. Avoid using the same route everyday, and avoid quiet and dark alleys.

I know that this kind of incident can happen to anyone. That is why it's best to take precautions. While some people may view snatch theft as petty, I believe this crime is serious enough to warrant attention from everyone. We have seen incidents of snatch theft becoming ugly, when its victims went into a commatose state, or even died.

At least, the IKIM's staff was physically unhurt, but I am sure she is traumatised. We know from today's headline in The Star that the police is tackling the problem of organised criminals. Hopefully, the police will also crack down on snatch thieves, who are at best ad hoc criminals.

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