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Thursday, July 05, 2007

Sleeping in Setiawangsa

Comparatively speaking, this week I have been sleeping pretty early. By early, I mean, 10 o'clock. It must be the exhaustion accumulated from previous late nights. Personally, I would've preferred to stay up longer. I am most productive during these late hours. In fact, with the right frame of mind, I could do several tasks at once - reading, writing, researching, thinking, editing. Sometimes I'd have a book to read by my side, while writing on my laptop and doing some Internet searches, all at the same time. And if my YM friend is on, I could chat too. Talk about multitasking!

Perhaps, in all seriousness, at this age (although considered young by many), I no longer have the energy to stay up for too long too frequent. Maybe I should take it easy a little bit. But to be frank, I miss the days when I have the zest to stay awake for days at end. Then again, this was during my Glasgow years, which was in the last century. *sigh*

I still remember my record of not sleeping, and it still holds till today - it was 2 hours short of 3 straight days! I think that record of 70 hours without sleep will stand for the rest of my life. These days I can't even do 24 hours without sleep. Age is certainly catching up, I suppose.

A few friends share this view. While we could stay up without sleep for a few days during our late teens and early tweens, now the story is different. The physiological changes that have taken place in our bodies have certainly left an indelible mark on our ability or rather inability to stay awake late at nights. Oh, well. As a dear friend said, "Watudu...!"

What to do, indeed.


Pinky said...

You could use a bit of time to hibernate *lol*

Dr. Shaikh Mohd Saifuddeen said...

I think I should too :)

JIE said...

Staying up late, multitasking, chatting summore... tsk tsk... unhealthy lifestyle :-)

Btw, luv the sleepy kitty pic hehehe...

Dr. Shaikh Mohd Saifuddeen said...

Jie... hehe.. dunno what else to say... :-)