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Friday, August 10, 2007

Talking plants

I am sure many of us have seen people talking to plants. This is supposed to help plants grow healthier, or so they say.

But what if it was the other way around? What if plants could communicate with people? This certainly sounds like something fresh out of the realm of science fiction or fantasy. Or so I thought...

While thinking of the topic for my entry in the blog, I went surfing and found something pretty intriguing. Apparently, in the US, they have invented sensors that would allow plants to call your phone to inform that they need water. My guess is that it's not really the plants who call but the lack of moist or water in the soil would trigger the sensor to send a signal to plant owners. The news was broadcasted on "Good Morning America" and anyone interested can have a look at it here if the link is still functioning.

Sure is scary thinking about this. Some things we thought as science fiction has now become reality. Leonardo da Vinci visualised a helicopter in 1493 before helicopters become a reality in 1942. Jules Verne wrote about men landing on the moon in his 1865 classic De La Terre a la Lune before Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon in 1969. There were at least 4 similarities between Verne's story and the actual landing.

Coming back to the issue of "talking" plants, I think we have seen quite a number of this portrayed in science fiction novels, comics, cartoons, television series and movies. In a way, I am not really surprised with this technological development which allows plants to "inform" us of their needs. It'd certainly help in ensuring the plants are well looked after.

But if plants could indeed talk, I bet we humans would get an earful.

P.S. This is prepublicity and perhaps a bit premature, but I'll mention this anyway. My second novel Transgenesis, which has a science fiction flavour and is currently being written at an accelerated pace, touches among others on the issue of "talking plants." But of course, that's just a very minor teaser. More on this from time to time.

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