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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Money story

I apologise for the long silence. My excuse is, as usual, predictable. The last couple of months of the year looks set to be hectic with a lot of things happening and need to be taken care of.

Anyway, I'd like to share a story I heard earlier this morning, which brought a smile to my face.
A husband was driving his wife to a place for her to attend an official function. Usually the wife would drive to her workplace, but since she was unfamiliar with the place that she had to go to that morning, her husband offered to send her (and would pick her up later that afternoon). This, by the way, was not the first time that the husband sent the wife to work.

In the car, the wife reminded the husband to take note of the mileage. The husband asked, "Can you claim mileage when you're not using your own car?"

The wife retorted, "It'd be a waste not to claim. After all, you're driving me to the place where I have to perform an official duty. So, it's only fair that I claim the mileage."

The husband kept quiet, but thought to himself, "How come I never see the money that was claimed before whenever I send her for official duty outside the office?"
Good question.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
