During the upcoming short semester, I will return to lecturing at the Faculty of Science. This time around, my subject happens to be the faculty's compulsory subject and must be taken by all first year science students. I have been informed that there are more than 300 students taking this subject.
I hope I'll live up to the challenge of lecturing the subject that many people seem to dread - "Philosophy and History of Science".
lecturing is one of my golden dream...hrmmm...perhaps one day it'll be a dream come true.
Salam Kelana..
bakal ajar subjek sejarah dan falsafah sains??
perghh..itu subjek 'tough' kitaornag dulu..coz masa 1st year..Dr.Paul ajar..susah sangat nak faham slang dia..huhu..
anyway, all the best..hehe..
philosophy? the word makes we yawn widely. hopefully it's not sufism...hahaha. ever since Mr John colonialised the institute, the word philosophy become a nightmare for me...huhu
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