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Monday, January 22, 2007

A is for Aikido

This new year, I am pushing myself to the limit. I have actually lined up an A to Z list of resolutions. Most of these include those that I'd never imagine partaking before. Never imagined, but not impossible. One of them has to do with learning martial arts. This is the 'A' on my list of resolutions.

Ask any friends of mine, they will attest that I am not the fit physical type. I've not been known to be involved in any form of physical sports nor martial arts. Sure, I play bowling when I have the time. And I do a bit of gardening at home. But these are not really the type of activities one would associate with physical fitness.

Towards the end of my tenure in IKIM, I was made chairman of its welfare club. One of the things that I started was an Aikido training session for the staff. Unfortunately, due to my tight schedule, I wasn't able to partake in its classes, conducted by my colleague then, Suzalie. [Suzalie is the Deputy President of the Aikikai Association in Malaysia].

Now, it seems that I have finally got the chance to learn Aikido. I am enjoying its lessons. It allows me to be physically fitter, increases my stamina, and rids myself of the stiffness on my back that has been nagging me for ages. I am really looking forward to future lessons.

As I stated in my previous post, one of my new year's resolutions was put to test last Saturday. I had challenged myself to pick up Aikido. And on the first day of 1428 Hijrah, I have succeeded in doing so. And I resolve to continue learning this Japanese martial art.

If you have a hard time imagining me with a lab coat on, try imagining me with an aikidogi on.


Pinky said...

Must be quite easy for your opponent to pick you up for the aikido throw *lol*.. Just kidding, dun mean to belittle your new found skills. Would be useful to disarm would-be robbers and thieves though

Dr. Shaikh Mohd Saifuddeen said...

I recommend everyone to pick up Aikido. At least, like you said, it's a useful way to disarm attackers.