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Monday, January 22, 2007

N is for Novel

Alhamdulillah, another one of my resolutions is coming to fruition. I just received the cover for my first novel. It looks quite good from my point of view. The editor has informed me that the novel will be printed soon. Let me know what you think of the cover. By the way, the pen name I'm using for creative writing purposes is Amir Husaini - which happens to be my son's name. Apparently, my son's name has more commercial value than my own name. *lol*
So, not bad for the first 3 weeks of 2007.

Scientist. Student of Aikido. Novelist.


Pinky said...

wow - Jack of all what is the next foray.... politics? *lol*

Anonymous said...

wachaaaa!!!! aikido ek? ntah bila nk sambung taekwondo. terhenti setakat yellow belt aje. anyway, tahniah atas kemunculan novel pertama. kt dlm cover tuh...rupa model pompuan tuh cam juliana banos. yg lelaki tuh cam mazlan petpet plak...ekekeke. jgn maarah..gurau. lgpun tgh tensen. MC lagi sbb mata lom baik...waaaaaaa