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Friday, October 03, 2008

Quiet second day

Since my second son, Ammar Qusyairi, is not well, we took him to the paediatrician today. He is down with the usual concoction of cold, cough and fever. As such, today has been rather quiet second day for us. We decided to stay at home to allow Qusyairi to get some rest in the hope that his health will improve quickly. In the past, the second day is the day that we would usually go out to visit family and friends. But this year, my son's health has to be given the priority. No point going out when he is not well.

And since we didn't go anywhere, I took this opportunity to begin the optional six-day fasting in Syawal. However, I doubt that I'll be able to complete all the six days at one go like last year. Nonetheless, I hope to get the six days done as soon as possible in the next couple of weeks, insya-Allah.


arsaili said...

salam moga cepat sembuh

JIE said...

Salam Kelana,

Selamat Hari Raya. Hope ur sons' health are better by now.