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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Stone on a Datuk's head

Not much time for blogging this past couple of days, but I just want to share this interesting quote:
If you throw a stone in Japan, it will hit a man by the name of Suzuki.
In Malaysia, if you throw a stone, it would hit a Datuk.
--- Anon
But I'd like to add another line:
And only in Melaka, a stone thrown would land on a Bollywood actor's head.


Sufi Intelek said...

salam kelana, baca sekali x paham...kali kedua baru paham apa maksud sebenarnya..lagi2 bila ada isu melaka dan 'Bollywood actor's' tu..hehe..

Anonymous said...

tindakan yang mazuikunai dan bababakashii desu. apa nak jadi (teringat lagu SM Salim)