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Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Haze hazard

I noticed that the haze is back about ten days ago. And yesterday's news report confirmed that the haze situation is getting serious once again.

It looks like haze is becoming something that is seasonal in nature. In the past, we have the dry season and the rainy (or monsoon) season. We even have things like durian season. For good measure, let's add another one then: The haze season.

But seriously, this haze condition is really bad, and not healthy for people who walk under the open sky (like yours truly). The problem is the cause of the haze involves more than one country. While perhaps we can govern matters in our country, it'd be difficult to tell others what to do. On the other hand, we have our own parts to play in keeping the haze in check. Stop open-burning. Minimise the usage of cars. Ensure that industrial emission in the form of smoke is at a minimum. Et cetera, et cetera...

I guess the bottom line is, while we can say whatever we want when it comes to looking after the environment, nothing will work unless we partake in these actions ourselves. Talking (and criticising) is over-rated. Let's put our money where our mouth is. Let's all play a proactive role in looking after the environment. Let's walk the talk.

Oh, and drink a lot of water. The haze will make your throat dry and itchy. And wear a mask to cover your nose and mouth if the situation warrants it.

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